Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Shopping. Coffee. Vogue.

Yesterday started out a little on the crazy side. After having glorious, warm weather on Sunday, Mother Nature decided to flip her switch yet again and send freezing, cold ice our way. Let me break it down. We, meaning my girls, Ross and I, are running late for school, per usual. Just as we are about to walk out the door, we get a phone call from our friend saying school is delayed two hours. Awesome! Let's go back to bed. But wait a minute, why didn't we get a phone call? Usually they have this automated robot machine call and give us updates on any weather delays. Hmmmm. Five minutes later, my phone rang. Mind you this was five minutes after school should have already started. 

Style Lately Sweatshirt c/o // Target Chambray (option here and here) // Tractr Jeans c/o // Jacket from High School (no lie) (option here and here) // Joules Wellies c/o (option here and here)// Target Crossbody (option here and here) // Banana Republic Beanie (option here) // Forever 21 Sunglasses (option here)

This is where it gets ugly, for a ton on families. Luckily we missed the brunt of it because, as I said, we were running late. All the kids that got on the bus for school at 7:15 AM where already there when the district decided to call in a weather delay. Meaning they got stuck at school for two hours with NO breakfast. I am still clueless as to why the administration made the late decision and shut down the school AFTER students were already there. The rain, ice and freezing temps were no surprise. It was predicted and known that we were going to have this type of weather first thing in the morning. Most schools in our area announced a late start the night before and were well prepared for the weather. There was not one, but two accidents involving school buses, one being in our district. Yes, kids were on those buses in the freezing rain. From the info I got, nobody was hurt, but still. Those poor kids, worried parents, teachers and staff that had to experience this mess could have been avoided. Moving one...9:00 AM rolled around. I was getting ready to take my girls to school and we get that robot call saying school was cancelled for the entire day. Yes, my girls were jumping up and down like it was Christmas morning, but all those kids who sat up at school for two hours, in the gym, probably bored out of their minds now had to find a way back home. From what I understand, buses were not running, so parents had to make their way back to school to pick up their kids...back on the roads in icy conditions. My Facebook was blowing up with irate parents, as it should. Our district is huge and should know better. I am sure there are folks in administration that already have ulcers from the stress and worry that they brought on themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't some people that lose there jobs from this debacle...even possible lawsuits from the people that had kids involved in the bus accident.

Anyway, just thought I would share the juicy gossip from the home front. My girls and I made a snuggling day of it and took advantage of staying in most of the morning and afternoon. We played, colored, wrestled, had a gummy worm/sour watermelon feast and ate some comfort food. And my sweatshirt from Style Lately, well it pretty much summed up my afternoon...a little online shopping, magazines galore and plenty of caffeine (maybe not coffee), but lots and lots of Diet Dr.Pepper. 

All should be back to normal today and we will return to 70 degree weather on Friday. This is the life we lead here in Texas. We've learned to roll with the weather punches.

 **If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends! 

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy.
