Thursday, September 20, 2012

September Group Giveaway

Some of you may have already met these lady loves of mine, so go ahead and say, "Oh hi, friend". 
But, those of you who don't know them, get ready to meet some FABULOUS-NESS!!
These rock stars have offered up some AMAZING giveaways just for you! 
There will be five winners in all because we like to spread the love around here! 

So let's get to gettin'. Shall we?

Kristin, oh, Kristin! This girl has some serious Kate Spade arm parties! She lives it up Miami style and loves her some leopard just as much as I do!! Her inspiration and style boards are killer! And oh, she is just a sweet as she is beautiful!!

Sarah is a girl after my own heart because she can shop like champion and do it on a budget! Holla!
And can I tell you that she just met Eric Church recently? This girl is always getting some sort of hook-up. I am ready to go visit her in N.Y. and sidekick it with her!

Okay, Miss Danavee over here is a master thrifter! I mean, the stuff that she finds are serious treasures. From vintage dresses to funky, fun collectibles, she has a gifted talent. ANNNNND, she actually does stuff with the pins from her Pinterest. Like create outfits and stuff...Why haven't I thought of that??

Kathryn is another fellow friend who shops on a budget. She is Kohl's #1 fan and always gets the cutest stuff from there. She is as real as they come. I mean she wore a vintage Batman shirt to freakin' real and cool is that? Did I mention she may have a slight addiction to colored denim? Who doesn't these days?

If you want to follow someone on Pinterest, Meg is your girl. I kid her all the time that she is Queen Pinterest! She finds the most adorable home decor, easy DIY (uh, yes, please) and clothes you would trip up your best friend for! And I want to steal her nail poilsh collection. Is that weird? 

I told you they were FABULOUS! Now, go ahead and be fabulous yourself and enter to win one of these super-duper prizes. You know you want to! Heck, I wish I could! And make sure to show some manners and thank them in a comment below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
