Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Random Wednesday 2

Top: H&M | Pants: Target | Shoes: F21 | Bracelets: Lolabellas, Thirfted, F21 | Necklace:F21 | Earrings: Target

Here is another random Wednesday for you. Just me babbling about things on my mind and what's popped in my head this week.

1. Let's talk about these polka dot skinny jeans (not online yet). Thank you, Target, once again for providing us ladies affordable printed denim. I saw a similar pair at Anthropologie for $180. No way, no how was I going to spend that kind of money. I ran into Target last week to pick up some "necessities". Low and behold, if these didn't called my name all the way from the cleaning supplies aisle. I couldn't ignore them. That would have been rude.

2. PicMonkey. I use this FREE photo editing site for most of my photos. I decided to change up some of the colors and effects for these pictures. I typically leave the original coloring on all my photos, but they were looking kind of blah. Still not sure I like what I did with them, but it was fun playing around. I REALLY need to learn Photoshop. It's sad, I primarily do fashion posts and I have no clue how to use it. I need to quit being lazy and take some online tutorials, but PicMonkey is just soooooo much easier.

3. P!nk's new album, The Truth About Love, was released yesterday. She did it again. Ah-mazing!! It was on shuffle all day. She nailed the ballads and didn't leave out her gritty, I don't give a sh*t attitude. This girl is as real as they come. My faves from it are Beam Me Up, Try and Just Give Me a Reason. If you are any sort of P!nk fan, you will not be disappointed.

4. Lauren Conrad is coming out with a new book, Lauren Conrad Beauty. All her "secrets" will be available October 16th. I typically don't buy these sorts of books, but girlfriend has it going on. I am ready to learn her cat eye ways! If I have a girl crush on anyone; it's her. I may or may not have pre-ordered.

5. I am over at Sarah's blog today while she is visiting my great State of Texas! I am chatting about a few Forever 21 fundamentals. Go check it out and make sure you follow her! She is the!

So, have you entered the $330 necklace giveaway? Make sure to go enter  now!!

Linking up with the Pleated Poppy today.
