Thursday, September 27, 2012

Giveaway - Who is Jessica Who?

Who the heck is Jessica Who? Well, where do I even begin with this girl? I could gab about her all day long. About how fabulous she is. About her marketing skills. About how much I want to meet her in real life. About how freaking cool she is!

Let's me start by showing you people how gorgeous she is. I mean, look at the skin, that hair, that smile, that outfit. Not fair, right?

Okay, ready to even be more jealous? She lives in Hawaii and she is always posting ahhhh-mazing pictures of the beaches, sunsets and little umbrella drinks on her Instagram. Can you tell I am slightly obsessed envivous? It's okay, you can be too.

What's even better? She has an undying love for football. Even though she is a Steelers fan at heart, she is showing her TRUE roots in this picture...GO TEXANS!!! Yes, Miss Jessica is a from Texas...Houston to be precise. Helllllllo, we probably crossed paths on the freeway when we were kids and made silly faces at each other. And what's up with her hubs jersey? Cowboys? Really? Come on!

And this is her child. Her one and only, Duke. She hasn't talked much about him on the blog, but I think she should. I mean, I bet this little innocent rascal has some stories to tell. What do you think?

I secretly believe Jessica and I were separated at a few years (I am an old hag compared to her). Why? Well, because we both suck with the stove and oven, have a slight obsession with fashion and jewelry, are social media junkies and both have a fascination with to us and we will talk back for hours!!!

Not only does this lady ROCK, her blog is on FIRE too! She has not one, but FOUR giveaways going on at this very, here, here AND here. Go enter yourself to win some serious loot. But, let me tell you, I already have dibs on one of the prizes!

And because she is so damn cool, she is offering these fabulous color block earrings to one very lucky lady. I hope that I get a surprise pair in the mail soon. Jessica, you reading this?

a Rafflecopter giveaway