Sunday, July 1, 2012

I'm going "glamping"

Welcome back, friends! Monday is here again. I hope everyone had a ringer of a weekend. I can say that mine was just what the doctor ordered...a lot of relaxing , no scheduling, trampoline jumping, iPod playing, mad grilling and comfy shorts wearing kind of remedy. 

I am heading out for a little "glamping" this week.  That is my way of saying I am going camping, but not actually "roughing" it in the woods. Momma needs some electrical outlets, running water and a pillow to rest my sleepy head. I have a few of my favorite bloggers headlining this week, so make sure to check back for some fab reading. I will be back in full effect next Monday! I will do my darnedest to respond to emails and comments in between making smores, catching fish and riding water slides.

And hey you, predators of people that are out of town, my neighbors are watching my house like a hawk and we have a full on alarm system. So, don't be getting any crazy ideas!

I am linking up with these fab ladies (Sami, Leeann and Dana) for my weekend recap via Instagram. You can find more of my random life happenings @becauseshannasaidso.

Friday night's attire at the ballpark. I didn't want to get lost in the crowd.
Saturday's comfy look courtesy of Tar-jay. I think I have worn these shorts every single weekend since I scooped them up.  Most comfortable shorts on the planet. Go get a pair!
I was so excited when I finally found these. They taste exactly like the Carmel Delights that the Girl Scouts sell. They are a bar of deliciousness, BUT they will jack up your stomach. Eat with caution. Work that fiber SLOWLY into your diet or you will pay the price!

Cheering on the Express at the Dell Diamond. There is nothing quite like watching some tight pant wearing boys swing the bat. I love this game!
We watched fireworks early for the 4th since there will be no popping while we are out "glamping" this week.
Aren't they lovely?  This was our Saturday night entertainment.
Nothing better than jumping on the trampoline on a Sunday afternoon, especially when the temps were only in the 80's. Praise God! We have been battling 100+ degree weather lately in Texas.  This was like a cold front for us!
Now, don't be jealous of this grilling greatness. I can't take credit. The Lord blessed me with a husband that is a gill master. I licked my fingers until they were raw! Thanks, Ross for a scrumptious Sunday.

So, what were you up to this weekend? I would love to hear!  

Cheers to "glamping", I mean camping!

Don't forget to sign up for the Bauble Swap. It's a great way to meet new friends and get a bauble to add to your collection. Deadline is July 15th.

Click on the button below for more information.

Bauble Swap

I am linking up with these fab ladies today!